Not far away from the Motherland Ethereum in a dusty part of Polygon were living 7777 strange creatures known as Katmonstarz.
Those lonely & cute monsters wanted to escape for a better world. The only way for them was to join forces as a kat pack. Soon enough they will meet their real masters the Playmonstarz on Ethereum, but at what cost?
More than just a collection of 7,777 badass kitties, KatMonstarz is a lifestyle, a dream, a grain of Meow in an ocean of degens. Let’s get out our cat litter box to create a web3 brand where everyone will be able to contribute. Half of this supply will be free 2 mint, ONLY If you have a free mint pass.
Drop date: July the 12th 2022
Supply: 7777
Mint price: 50% free with a mint pass otherwise ETH price is TBA