Glitch Girls Featured Drop

Home » Glitch Girls Featured Drop
ghost girls artwork

GHØST GIRL’S vision for Glitch Girls is to create dynamic contrasting characters (Light and Dark) that can then be fused together to create new combinations. She’s chosen items and color ways that are opposing yet complementary to each other with this in mind.

Finding power through femininity and sexuality is a running theme throughout her art. She had a difficult time with this while growing up and uses that energy to fuel her artistic expression.

Through creating these characters, making them fun and empowering, she hopes that feeling reaches others. She wants Glitch Girls to be community-driven and a collaboration with her fans.

Her vision in creating this project is to create a channel through which we can form more meaningful connections, building an awesome community together!

Drop date: October 22nd 2021

Mint Pirce:

Supply: 6969

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