Having stepped through a strange and mysterious portal, ultimate degen, Leatherface, finds himself in the metaverse. Armed with his trusty chainsaw and a mask for every occasion, he embarks on a bloody blockchain massacre, aping into projects and carving his way through an array of NFT characters, trying on their traits for size…
Drop date: 31st October 2021 (Mint Pass) Leatherfaces 13th Nov 0.0666 Eth
Supply: 666 Mint passes 1666 Leatherfaces
Mint price: 0.13 ETH mint pass and 0.0666 Eth for leatherfaces
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A Blockchain Massacre
Leatherfaces brings the iconic horror franchise, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to the Ethereum blockchain in the form of 10,666 unique generative NFTs, built from over a hundred and fifty traits and no small amount of love. While we’ve used several iconic masks and costumes from across fifty years of this franchise, we’ve also thrown in some weird, wacky and wonderful stuff too. And the avatars are just the start. They’ll open a door to a darkly wonderful world and community, where we’ll get to play with all kinds of amazing intellectual properties.
You see, Leatherfaces aren’t just a wild and hair-raising digital collectible living on the blockchain, they’re also a token that doubles as your membership to The Family. The Family is a Metaverse for the misfits, the whimsical, the curious, the eccentric, the romantics, the dreamers, the weirdos, the rule-breakers and radical star-gazing vagabonds. A safe space loaded with member-only benefits for fans of all genres of art, film, music, literature, and culture. Welcome home. And remember, family is forever.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the longest-standing and beloved horror franchises in history. Leatherfaces, illustrated by world-class horror artist, Skinner, and led by Ultra Rare, one of the most trusted teams on the blockchain, has inherent longevity that simply can’t be beaten.

August 18, 1973. An idyllic Saturday afternoon drive through the Texas hill country becomes a nightmare for five teen-agers when they fall prey to a bizarre, cannibalistic family, and the masked, chainsaw-wielding monster, Leatherface.
In the gruelling dog-days of a Texas summer, a ragtag band of filmmakers, students, friends, family, and hangers-on—working with a meagre $60,000.00 dollar budget—set out to make an independent horror film. Shot in 16mm, their efforts would produce, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), a film that in the almost 50 years since its modest beginnings has come to be regarded as a classic of modern American cinema.
“The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a perfect horror film. From an aesthetic and narrative standpoint, it is one of the most emulated genre films of the last half century…The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is both of its time and timeless, the rarely-achieved goal of any serious work of art.”
Matt Risnes
Leatherfaces is Ultra Rare’s first release on the Ethereum blockchain. However, we are no strangers to NFTs, with 5 successful sales and the creation of a unique NFT comic viewer under our belts, including our much loved Horrors series. Known for our bold art styles, innovative approach and transparency, we have established ourselves as one of the most trusted teams working on the blockchain.
When the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre team saw the success we’d had with our Horrors collectible series, we were the first and only choice for them to bring Leatherface to the NFT world.
And the parallels are there between the two projects. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was one of the first big breakout indie films, made by two friends, against the odds. That same attitude and spirit runs through everything Ultra Rare does.
Our success has been built on community and now he have our hands on an iconic IP, that won’t change. We’re as far away from corporate as you can get, which means our collectors will have a say in how this new project goes forward. There will be opportunities for us to pool our creativity, our passion, our weirdness. All of it.
We have a platform to create something special. Something amazing.
Let’s be like Leatherface. Let’s fucking kill it.
You can find out more about us and our collections here.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was subversive, uncompromising, offbeat and bold as all Hell when it roared into cinemas in ‘74. Leatherfaces had to have that exact same attitude. This is why we chose Skinner as its artist. His work is as bold as it gets – technically superb, but so individual and unique, it’s instantly recognizable and fundamentally inimitable. Filled with dark humour and love and respect for the source material, Leatherfaces offers a unique NFT style never seen before.
Skinner’s extensive CV includes work for Warner Bros, Adult Swim, Apple and Quentin Tarantino. This is his first NFT project, and we suspect it won’t be his last.
You can join his legion of dedicated 130k Instagram followers here.
Before we launch our main sale, we will drop a Leatherfaces Mint Pass on the 31st October 2021.
There will be 666 passes available in total. Passes will grant holders one free Leatherface avatar from the main drop, as well as being able to mint more Leatherfaces during the pre-sale, without the dreaded gas war.
As this will be our first NFT dropped on Ethereum, we wanted it to be extra special. This is why it’ll act as a key to everything Ultra Rare and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre team does from here on in.
The Mint Pass will have utility long into the future. Live screenings and events, future sales – guest list or whitelist – you’re on it.
Holders will also be gifted a swag pack, stuffed to the brim with Leatherfaces goodness, and whoever pulls the #666 mint will win a unique handmade Leatherface mask.
And maybe best of all, holders of the pass will become members of The 666, a DAO that will vote on the direction of the project, including high-level decisions such as future roadmaps and which IP we want to work with next.
The Mint Pass pre-sale will take place on the 11th of November 6 PM UTC and holders will have 24 hours to mint their Leatherfaces.
An additional whitelist pre-sale will take place on the 12th of November at 6 PM UTC.
Access to the whitelist will be granted to early adopters and community contributors.
The public sale will take place at 6 PM UTC on the 13th November 2021.

Ultra Rare overhauls its entire business structure, to ensure all insurance, accountancy and legal requirements are compliant with UK and international legislation. This builds a solid foundation for the business, protecting the team and the project, and allowing for long-term growth and development.
Ultra Rare hires experienced dev team to deliver the best drop and minting experience available to collectors.
Ultra Rare hires world class PR company, The Door, to ensure Leatherfaces project is marketed in mainstream media, complimenting Ultra Rare’s grassroots campaign.
Ultra Rare secure leading horror artist, Skinner, as Leatherfaces illustrator.
Ultra Rare begins widespread promotional campaign across traditional and non-traditional mediums, including features in world leading publications and partnerships with highly visible crypto projects and platforms.
31st October 21 – Leatherfaces mint pass goes on sale.
11th November 21 – Leatherfaces pre-sale opens to all Mint Pass holders.
11th November 21 – Leatherfaces reveal event.
13th November 21 – Leatherfaces goes on public sale.
Private Leatherface holders discord opens.
DAO opens to The 666 (Mint Pass holders) and The Family (Leatherface holders).
First Air drop for holders.
Exclusive Leatherfaces merch store opens.
Virtual tour and memorabilia prize draw take place.
TCM screening and AMA with the film’s original creator, Kim Henkel
Collectors companion drops (pieces to be determined by the DAO).
Ultra Rare Presents II launches – the IP to be determined by DAO.
The 666 / Family members vote on the future roadmap.
Please note: Our roadmap is a working document and will change and develop over time.
Holders of a Leatherface PFP will also earn membership to The Family, which will have something for TCM fans and Eth heads alike! Some membership benefits include:
- A bonus airdrop to every PFP holder
- An additional Leatherface Companion for collectors with 3 Leatherfaces in their wallets.
- Throughout the collecting period (and beyond), there will be a leaderboard for top Leatherface holders. Collectors holding the most Leatherface avatars will earn special rewards.
- A chance at getting collab drops from some of the best projects on the blockchain.
- Community members will have exclusive access to limited edition runs of unique merch designed by our artists.
- Discounts on TCM merch in official store.
Your Leatherface Avatars will serve as access to exclusive community events and perks, such as:
- A virtual tour of The Official Texas Chainsaw Museum and AMA with Chase Andersen, TCM Historian/Archivist.
- An exclusive The Texas Chainsaw Massacre screening and AMA attended by the film’s original creator, Kim Henkel
- The chance to win incredibly rare/custom Texas Chainsaw Massacre memorabilia.
- Private access to The Family discord channel with behind the scenes info and bonuses. And who knows what might happen to the scary stories we share within…
- The creation of a community wallet, which will be used for variety of things such as giveaways and community projects, to be determined by The 666 and The Family.
- The opportunity to vote on the future of the project. What do you want us to do next? A comic? A live event? A movie? The metaverse is our oyster.
The Ultra Rare game world has been developing behind the scenes for some time, so rest assured, your Leatherfaces will have some very cool uses there.
In the meantime, we will bring tonnes of additional utility to our NFTs, utilising our long-standing relationships and partnerships. Our aim is to bring as much value to our collectors as we possibly can.
We already have several exciting partnerships in the works. Watch this space.
Our Thoughts On The Leatherface Drop
Pure fire from this one especially at this time of year, there is already a huge following behind it and its almost guaranteed to sell out, as long as gas doesn’t get any more ridiculous these days.